Make a difference. Help preserve Douglas County's history image

Make a difference. Help preserve Douglas County's history

The Watkins Museum is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code

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About the Watkins

Lawrence is a community proud of its past. And the Watkins—where exhibits, activities, and interactive experiences reveal unique, historic, and sometimes unexpected stories—is the place to discover why.

Since 1975, the Watkins Museum of History, housed in the iconic 1888 Watkins Land Mortgage and National Bank Building in downtown Lawrence, has provided programs and public events, educational resources and activities, and changing exhibits that explore the heritage of Douglas County and connect the past with issues that affect our communities today. The Watkins is rich in resources to help researchers uncover their family history or learn more about the place where they live.

The Watkins Museum is operated by the Douglas County Historical Society, a non-profit organization committed to preserving Douglas County heritage and encouraging civic engagement by sharing stories of the people and events that have shaped our communities.

If you prefer to donate by writing a check, please make it out to:

Douglas County Historical Society

1047 Massachusetts St.

Lawrence, KS 66044